
How can we assist you?…

You would likely receive a phone call from your tenant notifying you that a leak, burst pipe, fire, or any other issues. You therefore have to attend the property to have a look at the issue yourself. At some stage, you will receive a claims form by your insurer telling you to obtain and submit 2 or 3 quotes from builders. Similar to Insurance brokers and Managing agents, builders tend to deter from “insurance jobs” due to the unlikelihood of getting the job. You may find it difficult to understand what can be included by the insurer, and can cause the latter to act on bad faith. If the insurer did not include everything in the scope of works, you may not be satisfied with the work done, if items are included by builders that insurers don’t cover, then this can even further delays and the insurer may value the job value even lower deterring builders away.

How can we help eliminate this problem, through our step by step process?…

– We will attend the risk address to meet with you and your tenant to obtain the relevant facts of the incident.
– If we believe this is a valid claim, we will carry out a detailed survey (in the same meeting), including photos, measurements and moisture readings.
– We will then send these informations to your insurer directly
– Our networked loss assessor will meet with the loss adjuster directly to negotiate the claim settlement
– Once agreed, we will send our insured contractors to the site to commence drying and reinstatement works.
– We will then invoice your insurer directly, once you are satisfied with the completed works.

Our Network loss assessors are able to settle and negotiate directly with loss adjusters because they are FCA regulated

Why use us, how can Proper Property Claims assist us in making this a simple and hassle-free process?…

To view our benefits, head over to WHY USE US for more information…

Contact us by email or phone or use our enquiry form for all your claim needs.